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Getting offended - best video of the summer!
Enjoy the video! Then, the next time you get offended, put on your mentalizing cap to check and see whether you're taking things a bit...

NEW video from experts on child mental health!
New from the @AFNCCF Schools in Mind program, a rogue's gallery of expert videos on a wide range of child mental health topics - exam...

What this world needs is more anger (seriously!)
Wouldn't it be great if more people shared their anger? Crazy, right? Why should we wish for more anger? Anger starts wars. Anger kills...

Save the date: MBT workshop
Save the date: another MBT workshop is coming to Southern California, courtesy of Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman and the Anna Freud...

Spouse or partner getting on your nerves? Here are four ways mentalizing can help!
Click here to learn more about how taking a mentalizing approach to parenting can reduce marital tension and improve your child's behavi

Mentalizing in child and adolescent psychiatry
Click the link to check out my Grand Rounds presentation at Rady Children's Hospital/UCSD from January: Mentalizing as a general tool in...

Why epistemic crisis is a phrase to know for 2017
2017 could be a tough year: Donald Trump, fake news, media bias, Brexit, climate change deniers, not to mention terrorism. How do we...

Your brain does this every day, all day long; it makes groups smarter and relationships stronger - s
Mentalizing is like mind-reading. But, since we can't actually read minds, it's the closest we come. Put another way, mentalizing is our...

Mentalizing: therapy technique, or superpower?
A fun thought going into the holidays: maybe mentalizing is like a superpower! First came this article from the Harvard Business Review,...

Therapists: Are you struggling with that one client? Here's why mentalizing is a term you need
Are there some clients you really struggle with? You see them week after week and you're not sure if you're getting anywhere? Or does it...
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