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Wise advice about screen time for kids from someone who would know!
Melinda Gates, Washington Post

Video: What is Mentalizing?
An excellent animation from a Norwegian psychotherapist to explain mentalizing, with an appearance from MBT co-developer Anthony Bateman.

When robots rule the future...
This great article from the NYT highlights the importance of sharing, creative problem-solving and tolerating frustration - even when...

Come hear more about mentalizing-based treatment!
I'm honored and excited by the opportunity to present about mentalizing-based treatment for borderline personality disorder next month at...

Interesting insight from genetics on the power of breathing for relaxation!
What Chill Mice Can Teach Us About Keeping Calm

What this world needs is more anger (seriously!)
Wouldn't it be great if more people shared their anger? Crazy, right? Why should we wish for more anger? Anger starts wars. Anger kills...

Save the date: MBT workshop
Save the date: another MBT workshop is coming to Southern California, courtesy of Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman and the Anna Freud...

Spouse or partner getting on your nerves? Here are four ways mentalizing can help!
Click here to learn more about how taking a mentalizing approach to parenting can reduce marital tension and improve your child's behavi

Mentalizing in child and adolescent psychiatry
Click the link to check out my Grand Rounds presentation at Rady Children's Hospital/UCSD from January: Mentalizing as a general tool in...
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